Posted in Wellness

Get Healthy and Happier with Gardening

Do you know that gardening is good for your mental health and help you lose your tension? Today we live in a stressful suffocating environment, pollutions, skyscrapers, traffic jams, busy schedules. Do you feel you need some type of escapism to help you relax and forget all of the chaos around you? 


People who live in the city rarely experience regular contact with nature.  We eat vegetables from the grocery store without knowing how is it processed. We have to make sometimes ahead if we want to go to places with beautiful nature just to relax, take a break from busy work life and of course, fill our lungs some clean air. 

You don’t need to have a large area to start gardening. In fact, you can grow your plant and vegetables in your home or even in your apartment. There are so much technology and findings on how to start gardening in a tiny area. You can grow your plants in a pot, hydroponic, or you can create a succulent wall. 

Release your anger, anxiety, and depression


There are so many aspects of life that may upset you or disappoint you. Many studies have proved that people who live in a big city have a higher chance of getting depression or anxiety disorder. Why? The reason is that demands and situations from urban lifestyles constantly give the brain to work out, which can cause mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance use. That’s why we must take a break and relax.

Gardening can be your alternative to relaxing your mind. Focus on taking care of your plants will let you get away for quite some time from things troubling you, and you get to see them grow beautifully with your hands. Isn’t that satisfying just by thinking about that? Doing physical activities in your garden like shoving, cutting, watering plants help you to release endorphins. Actually, doing any kind of physical activity release endorphins and help you lift up your mood. In fact, many experts suggest you exercise as a therapy if you happen to have depression or anxiety. 

A Certified Wellness Counselor, Joey Doherty, says, “It boosts your mood by releasing cytokines, which then leads your brain to produce more serotonin. So, just by being around soil, these outdoorphins flood your body and boost your mood” So these microbes dubbed outdoorphins can work as your antidepressant. 

Clean air producers


The air quality today is getting worse day by day.  American Lung Association stated that indoor air can be even worse than outdoors. The most common air pollutants are asbestos, mold, radon, formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. Keeping contact with these microparticles can cause you a headache, dry eyes, or even asthma and lung cancer. To help clean your indoor air, you can put some indoor plants as a natural air purifier.  

So many houseplants can work as your air purifier, Snake Plant, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Aloe Vera, Chinese Evergreen, Bamboo Plant, etc. Plants can absorb pollutants through their leaves and roots in transpiration, also plants release moisture that will dehumidify your air. Many people are aware of the houseplant benefits. They even created a new trend called the urban jungle. 

Let me add one more suggestion for you to get endless food supplies, try to grow your favorite vegetables in your garden or inside your house, and you won’t have to go to the grocery store. Now you don’t need to worry about starving in the middle of the night again. Knowing all these great benefits of having plants around you, do you consider taking them inside your house? or do you plan to grow them in your house garden?

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